Survey – The popular Chick-fil-A restaurants use MyCFAVisit polls to learn more about what their customers want and need. These are some of the biggest fast-food chains in the United States.

They serve tasty chicken sandwiches, nuggets, cool wraps, salads, breakfast meals, treats, and a lot more. Everyone in America loves the food, but the diner is always trying to get better. So, they made the MyCFAVisit poll to find out what its customers really thought.

Also, if you answer their poll questions honestly, you have a chance to win great prizes. Check out the steps to take this survey and win a prize if you want to fill out the survey after your stay.

First, you should see if you meet all the standards to take part in the survey.

Following are the Things you Need

A ticket from the last thing you bought at Chick-Fil-A.

English or Spanish skills for work.

To take the poll, you need a good internet connection and a computer, smartphone, or other smart device.

Following are the Requisites to take the Survey

  1. You must be at least 18 years old.
  2. You have to be a legal resident of the US.
  3. One ticket can only be used by one person.
  4. Your information must be correct.
  5. You can only get a free sandwich or burger with a coupon code. You can’t get cash for it.
  6. To get the prize, you have to be honest about what you say.
  7. A ticket can’t be used if it’s more than 24 hours old.
  8. The code you got in your email to get your prize is only good for 30 days.
  9. You can’t take the poll if you are a sponsor, an employee, or a family member of someone who is affiliated with the company.

Once you have these things Ready, You can Take the Survey in the Following Steps

  • Use the official poll link here to get to the survey.
  • To get into the poll, you will need to enter the serial number from your receipt.
  • Once you’ve put in the right serial number, you can click “Start” to move forward.
  • Next, a list of questions about your last visit to the place will show up.
  • If you answer the questions right, you might be able to win a prize.
  • Then, give your contact information, such as your phone number, email address, etc., so that the coupon code can be sent to your email.
  • After you finish the poll, a coupon code will be sent to your email within 24 hours. When you go to the place again, you can use this coupon code to get a free burger or sandwich.

Chik-fil-A is a good business that wants to give its customers the best. So, they give their customers rewards to fill out the surveys and give them honest feedback. So, if you went to the restaurant recently, it would be a good idea to go to, log in, and take the poll.

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